Why Messi is better than Ronaldo.
Yeah Yeah, statistically it is hard to make a definitive conclusion. Besides a world cup victory it is understandable to conclude that Christiano Ronaldo can be reasonably considered a better player than Messi. Believe me I am a engaged fan. I always considered Ronaldo the superior of the two, because I have been indoctrinated to value athleticism. However, after investigating further, induced by relevant events; Messi joining Miami FC,
Despite being intimately aware of Messi’s talent, I truly was ignorant to his greatness. After seeing his first 3 games with Inter Miami, where he scored 5 goals; and then evaluating his world cup performance, I finally adjusted my belief, Messi is better than Ronaldo. Why?
Because Messi compiles his greatness in synergy with the offense. He makes the critical pass, he trusts his teammates, and he effortlessly positions himself to maximize his influence within the flow of the offense. Ronaldo just uses his blunt force talent with no regard to his teammates.
You cannot argue that Cristiano Renaldo is the better athlete, but Lionel Messi is by far the most aware and balanced soccer player in my life time. There is a certain poetic resonance when mindful talent perseveres beyond physical talent.
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