God, Jesus, and Intelligent Design - Daniel Walter Suarez

For many years I hid under the vale of atheism. If I am being honest, I have had existential experiences that personally disproves my stance as an Atheist. I tried to rationalize the distinction by advertising attempting to redefine Atheism to fit my beliefs. My brother bluntly pointed out the errors of my way. I am not an Atheist, I am not an agnostic. I believe that Jesus was the son of god. I believe in intelectual design. In many ways I am more Christian than most if you consider my knowledge of scripture. So why do I find religion and spirituality suspicious? Why? Because I may believe in God as the creator of our reality. I may believe in the universal message of his son Jesus. However, Despite omnipotence, Intelligent Design, No one, including God is infallible. God committed genocide on a whole city, killed innocent children during Passover, flooded the whole world, Tormented Abraham to test his loyalty. Quoted to say “I am a jealous god, and a vengeful god”. The God of the Old...