Diagnosing a play. The Canes Defensive TD vs Louisville
A defensive TD from a turnover is a play of monumental importance. What I found notable about this play was that only two players won that play on Defense and both players where equally responsible. Bain and Barrow. Immediately after the snap, Barrow gets double teamed, #52 attacks the single team guard but immediately loses balance and is escorted away from the running gap, and Bain has the left tackle 2 yards behind the line of scrimmage and the runner hasn’t even touched the ball yet. Bain has overpowered and slipped the Left Tackle!! And Barrow is fighting to split the double team, everyone else in the interior is completely out of position. Barrow slips the double team and occupies the gap, and Bain from the RE position is the first to make contact with the runner and basically makes the tackle before the runner reaches the line of scrimmage Almost simultaneously the runner, after Bains contact, stumbles right into Barrow who has split the double team and stone walls t...